From the Editor II

Emzar Jgerenaia
A unique discovery of
scientists concerning immune exclusiveness of Georgians,
and Murphy Law

Believe it or not, not long ago the experts of Columbian University’s laboratory, after difficult and jittering experiments, came to a sensational conclusion: the Georgians who gave Europe a first man (according to the latest archeological dig in Dmanisi) distinguish themselves by unique features – they eat and drink everything that walks, crawls, and moves. They have come to this conclusion based on the analysis of the produce that is exported and produced there. According to their statement, the Georgians have such a big immune base that they have liquidated all controlling institutions – standards, metrology, gave up technical specifications, and amalgamated veterinary service with customs. No butterflies or this kind of creatures represent any danger for them. They with pleasure eat wurst that contains at best 20% of meat or does not contain it at all, or drink coffee mainly containing dye stuffs and chemicals, and they see Nescafe coffee only in TV advertisements, that is why ageing from meat eating and complications from caffeine are not in store for them.
According to the scientists, in Georgia, as early as in 1950s during the soviet period, quality and standards control system was introduced. And starting from 1970 there took place its systematization and a so called State Standard was introduced. Besides that ministries and industries had their own standards, and the country’s pride – “Made in USSR” sign and a pentagonal quality mark were introduced as well. It was a source of corruption and the party punishment. But the State Standard inscription can still be seen on many products. They think about the international standards but a similar system has existed in independent Georgia as well, it has been a long time since new laws and by-laws have been passed but the system was the same. The Georgians took a decision to reform this sphere, but after prolonged discussions they came to a conclusion that it was a difficult task and decided to liquidate the standards and control over technical specifications at all. This was followed by liquidation of veterinary control, as a source of corruption. Then you can import and eat anything you want, the country will not be ruined because of that; everything is all right. The scientists are attentively keeping an eye on this process – how Georgians eat minced meat produced of animals’ claws instead of ham, and sausages and wurst made of 50 years old meat, canned goods of uncertain origin, starch instead of yoghurt, and dissolved in spirit powder instead of wine. Their electric current frequency oscillates from 12.3 to 23 instead of 50 hertz, but all technique still works in spite of it, their stomachs can bear most chemically contaminated and non standard food. They drink water that cannot be used even for technical purposes, containing half of Periodic Table’s elements, and everything seems to be normal. Based on the above stated the scientists have come to two conclusions: in order to eradicate corruption we have to liquidate controlling units, the Ministry of Economy is going to be liquidated in the nearest future (though it has been liquidated a long time ago), then, one after another, the same will happen to the Finance Ministry and other bodies, the police and the court (the last one was actually liquidated a long time ago. It will be voluntary – they will summon you if you want, but if you do not want they will not. There will be real democracy without any corruption, and business will flourish. It will be for the first time in the world. This is not a new theory. In 1960s, its founder – Murray N. Notbard created a theory according to which the existence of a state is not necessary.
The second conclusion –it turns out that for solving of world food problems eating of artificial and bad products, and that ecology is an unnecessary luxury for humankind. The experiment is going on and now it is at the stage of clinical research. With liquidation of standardization and other bodies as well as with incomprehensible reorganizations, one of Murphy’s laws comes true: “Nothing feeds so well as unsettled problems”.
In this summer heat I remember an old anecdote: A patient complaining of stomach aches came to the doctor. He was urgently operated on, and then the doctor gladdened him by saying that his kidneys had been removed. When the surprised patient said that he had had stomach aches he was told that they will gradually reach it as well.