Who has stolen the spring?

Emzar Jgerenaia

“Inflation is Plunder!” Robert Christiansen, IMF Representative to Georgia

Tbilisi dwellers expectation of summer is hopeless, but not just their’s. Indeed, abstinence summer is not showing its face. The winter lasted and appearing of summer is probably expected in several up-coming weeks. That made us trouble, where the spring has gone? What’s up? There are phone calls to weather bureau, palmistry, turmoil and moaning. No one heard about such snow fall in April, non stopping cold and freeze is really terrible, we can actually almost freeze our brain and something else, we may be harmed or offended of the spring’s carefulness.
You whine passed in vain, the spring has already responded for it’s responsibly, and saw off where it was necessary. We were told by the confidence informatory source that the spring has its recent year’s debts. It had warm sufficiency, what based gas over use for hitting and other reasons in 2006. That’s why natural gas demand increased last year, and power demand this year, or on the contrary. But that does not matter, the most important is that her beauty and majesty –the spring stood at the back of the issue, and how just “they” could miss the story… and called for the spring just then, in winter last year’s cases. As it turns out the spring spent all recent year’s warm, that based for offices keeping expanses and took huge amount from the budget. Budgetary organizations keeping expanses hit the record high, and on the flip, firms’ money amounts for the offices and secretaries warming increased, the amount was considered in balance as a sort of expanse and rating income reduced. So, budget was less supplied from income taxes. And, every this is shoved into the spring, serious accusation… that appears nothing with that the “concerning branches” sent a letter to the sky for getting the information about the spring’s dealing and miracle… unordinary things going on… it turned out that the spring “delivered” our warm portion and sunshine weather to the Europe, so the Europe suffers form terrible hot and the sun burns them. (they say, French presidency election voters high level reason was their cooling need, people went to electioneering polls just for the power economy in houses and offices and have a little cool) but we are freezing. So, the sky got angry, because the spring was bribe taking, shortly to say, the spring is blamed under the second purview or bribe taking form Europe and our warm portion alienation. Just that is nothing, the spring was also charged recent year’s 12-14 percent inflation level and current year’s 10-14 percent inflation level. What did it believe?! According to big economists and international organizations’ officials, inflation is classical sort of plunder. Just imagine your salary is 1000 lari, inflation level faces its 14 percent, so you really receive 860 lari, left other has been stolen. In the case of salary and inflation level remaining unchanged this year, you will get just 700 lari wage. If the plan of Beso Jugheli will be enforced, and you will be made increased tariff paying on gas and electricity, then while the spring’ spree, your salary will include just 450 lari, that’s plunder, and nothing more. So, they calculated the plunder among 700 thousand employees, 12 million self- employees and completely charged the spring. Pity spring… I’m really sorrow about her. She will face 30 million light years in prison in the case of the swindle accusation confirm, according to inter-season and international penal code. Who will forgive any, torture and freeze of Georgians. They say, that spring is in the “place” where it must be and just how she could come to us? She must pay for every, but what is our fault? Snow and rain flooded us. Unhappiness helps for happiness, covering and rain-coat will be no more needy. Moreover, we are the world leader country in the spring canceling issue, that’s also faces huge importance. There is one more problem, I can not limit myself from telling, according to the same confidence source, the spring found mobile phone in the cell and phoned Neptune and told that is going revengefulness aiming flood and heavy showers providing. Disputed against, together with the sun, rose term about spring releasing and accusation decline passing on the really guilty, or no way flood avoid. So, there is big ongoing negotiation, about charge decline or a little bit facilitation. Remaining the inflation, that means the budget damage and sentence 9 month period, for making her being back for the next March. Who know, achievement of proceeding agreement was an available issue, if the spring would give the testimony against her higher, she might be completely released, but as it appears she is keeping her rejection concerning money payment. I told you truth but nothing cheerful, however the spring is not coming. I guess who could sill the spring? And what is her economy fault? Will she be able back on next year?
We will bear snow, heavy showers and water, just for the stolen spring getting back.
But, indeed, who stole the spring???