Let’s abolish annoying inflation, its hopping and jumping

Emzar Jgerenaia

Hard times, everyone ready and free for us. It is said USD is cheaper and everyone started buying oil, while fuel prices rise here, Metric tons USD 900 already.

fuel will soon cost 2 GEL what happened to wheat? Its price has also increased, USD 320-340, i.e. rises with 20 %. The same happens with sugar and fat. Prices increase on everything, still inflation holds firm.
Economists are in a great trouble. Theory postulates have mixed up, formulas are lazy and don’t work, new era is on the way in the theory of economy. It becomes more and more difficult to stand the word ‘Inflation’. People have gone mad. What is the inflation rate – 8,5 % or 13 % ?
By the way, 13 is a number bringing misfortune. Perhaps 8 is better. 5 is the most beautiful and lucky number.
Am I naughty? Well, was it me who started? No, gentlemen, we couldn’t get what the inflation rate was, what the inflation itself is, and who is the magician calculating all this. It reminds me of a joke: patient to a doctor: I have a high blood pressure, doctor to a patient: be happy, it means, you are alive!
Therefore, be happy! If there is inflation, there is an economy as it is an accompanying process. But what is the inflation rate? This bears great importance, and all the tracks are lost here, the answer is the following: the rate is what we want it to be. It depends on our point of view.
I went to ask about it to the representatives of International Monetary Fund. They did not give me any answer – they said they leave Georgia and end their program. Then I visited the World Bank office and got the same answer – they said they leave, their time limit is over. We started market research ourselves –petrol price increased by 25% in 2007, bread – 30%, sugar – 23 %, flat (accommodation) – 30 % , medicine – 40%, education – 20 %, oil – 30 %, fruit – 20 % that means that even without any kind of economic education, if we take an average, the rate is 18 %.
Is this a complete list? Its Amazing! How much inflation? I do not analyse the year of 2007, but the year of 2008, you think of what will happen, what will be, there are the problems exsisting on the world market. Why do we put the blame on ourselves when it is a world’s fault? Or, maybe coping with inflation is our obligation? No, its too hard.
I have the way out. The best way out is not to think about this economic category. Its over! Let’s not utter a word on inflation from this day on, let’s take its name away, and let’s not talk about it at all. The problem will be solved this way.
Oh, at last we can calm down. Inflation, inflation is over! we have abolished it and it does not exsist any more. Generally, these economists have no use, thay are annoying with all their microeconomic indicators. Let us bind a currency to other stable currency, abloish inflation and shortage, count GDP once in a five years, fix prices once and forever and thats it!
Its time to free ourselves from the economists and their theories. Now we guess why the Monatary Fund has been left unemployeed in Georgia and why the program is closed.
We are saved, I guess…