Main Factors Of Social Political System’s Development
Bezhan Shapakidze
Social political systems develop on the basis of objective regularities, but they hardly find the way in the interlaced economic, social, spiritual and other public relations, which often causes deformation of their effect.
The regularities characteristic of socialpolitical life are developing as lawstendencies. These regularities can be divided into two groups: to the first group belong regularities characteristic of development and inculcation of political authority. These regularities mainly concern relations between an individual and political authority. N. Machiavelli focused attention on these regularities when he stressed – the objective and content of any political leader’s activities is gaining and retaining of power. There are also a lot of other regularities related to political authority. Among them especially important are the relations in the political authority that determine the relations within the political system. Out of political authority’s regularities the following one is important – every political authority is characterized by striving to extend its powers and establish total control over the society. In contrast to these regularities the civilized humankind created counterbalances in the form of “containment” and “balance” which contribute to the construction of a civilized society. Separation of powers on the one hand and the civil society on the other, are clearly expressed means of attaining “containment” and “balance”. Political opposition, which the authority always has either in open or latent form, is also an important obstacle in the way of usurpation of the whole power. Totalitarian political authority rules out separation of powers, multiparty system and individual freedom. Real democracy inculcates the rules of separation of powers, each brunch of which is independent in decision taking and they do not interfere with each other’s activities. The second main group of regularities concerning perfection and development of social political life is represented by the regularities of economic and political character, which reflect the correlation between the development level of economic systems and democracy. But there are exceptions: democratic systems did not develop in the South African Union under high economic level conditions. Among economic and political regularities, the regularity of increasing influence by political means is very important for the development of the social economic sphere. By means of economic policy Ronald Reagan managed to reduce inflation and unemployment and considerably increase the country’s state budget. The ability to settle important political problems by economic means and vice versa – to settle important economic issues by means of political regularities is an important finding for perfection of social political life. Among the regularities that cause development and perfection of political life noteworthy are, on the one hand, those ones that stipulate for dying away of political life and, on the other hand, the ones that stipulate for development and perfection of political life. Political revolution, as a characteristic regularity of social life, suppresses political life and deteriorates public relations. On the contrary, democratization of the whole political and social life promotes social and political life. History points out that social revolutions and civil wars are the most abnormal forms of political referendum. Social revolutions require big sacrifices and they cannot give people what was promised. Currently, when there are weapons of mass destruction, social revolutions threaten the existence of humankind. Politologists believe that democratization of the whole social life is a condition of political stability. Democratization of social life is such political regularity that gains power every day. Professional politicians play an important part in democratization of the society. According to western politologists, there are two ways of democratization of the society’s political life: on the one hand, the professional level of the political elite should be increased considerably and, on the other one, competition between political parties and fractions should be inculcated with the purpose of receiving the majority of votes in the parliament.