The genesis of the regional economic theory

N. Orjonokidze, L. Osadze

Independence regained by Georgia in 1990s stipulated for orientation for quite different political, economic, social and legal values.

With the purpose of strengthening the statehood, a great importance is attached to conducting a corresponding effective regional policy in the aforementioned directions for ensuring the country’s development process. Out of the aforementioned factors, successful implementation of economic reforms is most important, which, in the first place, envisages creation of the institutional system characteristic of market relations.
During the period of the Soviet Union’s existence the economic policy was subordinated to the norms of ideological character. At the same time, economic processes were mainly managed by the central authorities and, correspondingly, the extent of participation of separate republics in this process was minimized. Thus, the necessity of determination of an independent economic policy for the first time emerged in Georgia during the transitional period. A principally new consideration of the problems related to economic development has become necessary. At the same time, the process of transition of the post-soviet countries to market relations was not fixed in the world till 1990s, so there was practically no experience from either scientific or practical point of view.
Taking into account the aforesaid, such an important direction of the economic policy as the regional economic policy and its formation and realization in accordance with market requirements is very problematic and relevant, about which there is a discussion in the given article.