By Charita Jashi

At the end of the 20th Century, globalization process has achieved the new stage of development. Progress in national economy became factually unavailable without coordination by world economy.

Formation of global economy takes place in the world that is characterized with huge inequity on the levels of political and economic power. In these conditions, it’s difficult to forecast the positive and negative aspects of globalization process. By time, Georgia joins the world market and international processes right because of, which global processes gain increasing importance.
Development process of globalization, political, socio-economic, and transformational changes those brought in front the antipodal character of existing social relations, caused the importance of such human necessities like freedom, equity, role and right in society etc. Right with that context, the term – Gender entered our lives, which italicizes the manner that, besides biological sight, part in society woman and man carry on are caused by social sight as well. Investigation of socio-economic misbalance brought researchers to the importance of so called Gender.
According to history, traditions and culture, Georgia is much distinguished from well developed countries, with high level of education and legally approved equity of man and woman. However, at the process of declaring equity, women discrimination had always existed and still does, which became conspicuous during the transition period. Existing socio-economic environment especially effected woman status, which, first of all, is caused by radical demolish of social and healthcare mechanisms, unemployment, irrelevant part of woman in accepting the decisions and many more.
As we can see, share of woman in most cases is noticeably less then that of man. Despite women have achieved some progress last times, which is caused by their high professionalism, they still are not capable to have the real influence on achieving the gender balance in economics. In terms of transition to market economy, establishment of reforms left most women without jobs. This could be true to midsize and large enterprises those have more opportunity to enlarge business; As in all, men exceed the number of women here.
All highlighted above indicates that it’s important to increase the share of women in socio-economic life, as they have proved their capabilities. Economic encouragement of women gives them opportunity to acquire more independence and higher status.
Increase of woman’s economic activity should be attached with adequate protection mechanisms, such as support in child rearing, service etc. It’s now clear that woman’s share in building the family budget increased noticeably, as well as that of state budget, last times.
Georgian government, in cooperation One of the economic preconditions of democratic society is the decentralization of economic decisions. In concrete economic conditions, entrepreneurs independently seek for consumers to achieve the ends in view including, maximization of profits; extension of sales; increase of shares on the market etc. Competition encourages entrepreneurs to act effectively on the market, as they suggest variety of products at lower prices and high quality.
Right those support economic progress, production effectiveness and crop up of conditions for resource concentration in more successful sectors of economy. Competitive environment encourages entrepreneurs to establish the innovations actively, to perfect the technologies and rationally utilize the savings. Finally, all those improve consumers’ well being, as the prices on products and basic needs reduce – market is always capable to provide new goods and services, as we know.
At the same time, each economic agent aspires to monopoly on the market. Seizing market power, entrepreneurs aspire to be the dominant in controlling the prices and the volume of supply. For maintaining above-mentioned control, they may use the ways those oppress competitiveness, including creation of market barriers, anti-competitive transactions etc. All these negatively effect industrial business making of each market participant and entire economic environment.
The problems of institutional, juridical and economic conditions’ provision for the development of competition and its maintenance are mostly hampered in countries with economy in transition. “It’s not sudden that in 80’s, 40 countries have accepted the legislative acts, those are directed to protection of competition and abridging monopoly” – informs the organization of economic cooperation and development. The same in Russia had set about to work at the end of 80’s. For now, it’s the prerogative of the Ministry of Antimonopolis Policy & Enterprise Support. In Georgia, antipomopolis policy is the job done by Georgian State Antimonopolist Service at the Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry of Georgia. Above-mentioned organ is the only, implementing supervision and control on “Law on Monopolist Affairs and Competition” that is approved by the Parliament of Georgia on 25th of June 1996.
State and antimonopolist organs are aimed at supervising the competition in scales of competition, extracting the elements of monopoly damaging society, excluding the illegal methods of combat, defining the fields those require state interventions etc. Georgian juridical system doesn’t prohibit domination of economic agent on the market. Violation is monopolistic affair, or in other words, when economic agent abuses the power and aims at oppressing or eliminating the competitors.
Specific problems emerge in field of regulation of affairs by monopolistic subjects those depend on state of each economic field and population. General appeal to it gives the opportunity to balance the interests of producers and consumers. Besides, important is to avoid the dictate of dominant companies, and exclude the stagnation and demolish of national industry.
Antimonopolist regulation can not be equalized with only supervision of market rules protection. Of course, it’s important to control the legislature on competition protection, but rather important is to improve the national production, advance its competitiveness, provide the economic security of state and society, stimulate economic transformations, encourage the honest methods of business management and many more.
The role of state regulations in economic development of country is caused by numerous reasons. First of all, it’s the importance of those economic goals, which require collective enforcement and could not be realized by market mechanisms. Organization and finance of public education and scientific researches as well as creation and maintenance of economic infrastructure on fitting level will be involved in regulating process of global proportions of national industry. Besides, in economic relations, state comes as bulky proprietor and consumer of commodities and services.
State interventions in market processes should be reduced to the minimum. Nature of private sector is free of crisis and if some disproportion occurs, it all comes from accidental fluctuation of money bulk. With an increase of money bulks in circulation, economic agents begin to spend their servings intensively, which, later, causes the increase of demand on commodities and price advance thereof. Finally, inflation causes the establishment of new equilibrium, but in advanced prices relevantly.
Market defects usually effect environment much, therefore, government has to intervene to facilitate the burden of emerged circumstances. Should also be mentioned that market, with its perfect case, can not exist constantly. It’s always under regulations of state or even that of economic agents if no government ones. The thing is only about the effectiveness and productiveness of market regulation methods.