Dr. Emzar Djgerenaia

“No one is surprised at the oncoming of another spring. I say God knows, because no one knows when we started life or how many years ago we killed Abel.

We certainly mean the first Abel, but not a simple Abel that, perhaps, dies each minute in this world. Therefore, people destined by the God to be Abels should be very careful, especially this spring. (Otar Chiladze, Abelum, page 22, 1995).
How can one raise money? It is a rhetoric question that has interested mankind for centuries and has finally reached Georgia. It is remarkable for its diversification of forms.
Evil forces of the world are driven by envy and bile. It is a historically known fact that the poor hate the rich. He does not need to be acquainted with him at all: the ugly hate the beautiful, the silly hate the clever, the failures hate the fortunate, the short hate the tall, etc. Generally speaking, this bile causes revolutions, terror, chaos. Fanatics start chaos and villains warm their hands on the consequences of it. True, a French thinker said this words two centuries ago, but they have become actual for Georgia now.
A reader will justly ask – what is all this philosophic scholasticism for? Such a variety of business as blackmail prospers in Georgia. Blackmail, demagogue is a main source of income in our country. With this purpose special organizations are formed with naive names: Truth Order and Freethinkers League and Georgian Bureau for saving dolphins or historical inheritance in the Zulu tribe. These blessed ones have their business in Georgia, they take grants and care for the light future. Yet, the main thing for us is not the “investigations? they conduct in their free time with regard to particular persons. It begins with this: pay this or that sum or I will tell everybody that you dug tunnel from Bombay to Madrid or that you were going to rape English queen Elizabeth or, f.e. rob the treasury of Peter I ? What does it matter, I will say, – you just try to prove it. Someone will smile and say: “But there is court! I will respond with a phrase published in one of the publications of British edition “Mirror”. . Naomi Campbell considered this phrase insulting and applied to court. Six months later she won the suit. According to the legal decision a defendant had to pay the claimant 5000 thousand dollars in moral damages. Yet, Campbell spent 155 000 dollars for all. Thus, justice is worth quite much money. Our businessmen-blackmailers are aware of this. There is no other way. Rapists are paid. They receive money as well as orders. Sometimes law enforcement structures get involved in this business – bring this or that sum of money, otherwise we will inform this or that agency that you took bribes, used your post for sordid purposes, did not cross the road correctly and gave a vulgar look at a neighbour’s wife. In other words, there is a multitude of topics. As always, representatives of criminal world are also involved in this business – “Guy, you did not greet the man in a right way 10 years ago… “.
So Georgia became divided into two parts – blackmailers and blackmailed. What is the number of people employed in this business? A large part of electorate makes money in this way, the other part has the aims that we have already mentioned above. What should we do to bring over electorate? We should create chaos and set Georgians against each other. To tell one that he is Arsena and must deprive the rich of their property. But the poor – do they have to take everything for themselves and have their revenge on their brother Abel. What if they do not obey? They are so embittered and hungry that believe serials, imagine inheritance and amnesia everywhere. The unregistered property law for which we are ready to make amendments in the Constitution, represents an attempt to set Cains and Morosovs on our own people, relatives and the whole country with the sole purpose of collecting political marks and satisfying ambitions. If we want to return property to the budget, we must pay 0.5% tax, eradicate discrimination between legal and natural persons and to clear 20000 dollars worth average flat from taxes. In these conditions property will return to budget in a legal way in approximately 100 years’ time. If we do not want the society to be divided into two parts, the changes should concern it. What can we do? We need chaos and electorate!
How can we raise money? By blackmail, certainly, blackmail and chaos! My dears, this business is popular now until we are caught and lose our fingers, tongues and tails.
“All of us are guilty of everything. This is the sense of our existence. As all of us are guilty, we do not have the right to blame another person of anything, at least, of anything (Otar Chiladze, page 15, 1995).