By Gela Lobjanidze

Mining industry is one of the most important branches of national economy that to a large extent defines capabilities and scales of the formation and development of different branches of national economy in our country.

Priority should be attached to the efficient use of economic potential of local mineral resources that, in its turn, stipulates well-being and might of the state.
Development of mining industry in Georgia that received the status of developing country and is recognized as a good mineral primary base, should take into consideration world integration processes and situational requirements of market conditions as well as state interests of our country, which, in its turn, will play an important role in averting the deep economic crisis in Georgia. According to the studied materials, reconstruction of the existing technical technological systems and introduction of new ones stipulates involvement of our country in world integration processes and creation of capabilities for the production of competitive industrial production. The branch will take into account a prognosis for the nearest, medium and long-term periods, need of different mineral raw materials (fuel and power resources, permanganic and copper minerals, their heads, mineral and chemical raw materials, its production, construction and facing materials, etc.).
Its periodic correction, activity of studying, extracting, processing and consuming industries, coordination of their efficient activities, new perspective spheres and kinds of production will make it possible for the Georgian economy to achieve its aims and industrial economic promotion.