The spring of 2003 was characterised by a qualitatively new process for modern Russia. The ruling oligarch layers set down to the preparation of large business with the purpose of state transformation and creation of their own union of executive authorities. In fact, Russia has faced the danger of oligarch overturn.

In 2002-2003 there were economic grounds for the strengthening of Russian oligarchic groups. During the privatisation process after the 1998 default, Soviet industrial giants have turned into their economic basis. Russian oligarchs are firmly integrated in real sector of economy and are much interested in creating macroeconomic conditions for its development. The main source of oligarchs’ income is misappropriation of natural rent that in reality is state property. The principal strategy of economic groups consists in the purchase of profitable business (creation of new business is often an exception).
Creation of the nucleus of political and economic influence can be considered an important event that promotes the cardinal strengthening of Russian oligarchs’ influence and formation of oligarchy as political system.
We can say that after the initial privatisation of main objects of national economy Russian oligarchs will set down to the privatisation of government area. In this situation institution of president as the framework of post-Soviet Russian political system endangers logic of oligarchic modernisation and stands in the way of final monopolisation planned by oligarchs.
Therefore, the philosophy and technology of relations between the state and oligarch has become object of attention while search for alternatives of oligarchic modernisation has turned if not to important, but at least to the core element of Russian national strategy. As we can see, the policy of Russian leader is aimed at the reduction of the oligarchs’ influence.
In the beginning of June the Union of Russian industrials and entrepreneurs has made a letter to the Russian President that was nothing more but an ultimatum to the Russian government. Russian businessmen are discontent with the policy of Putin’s government with regards to their business. They interpret their discontent by the fact that “attacks” of law enforcement agencies on large companies throw Russia’s present credit and investment rating into doubt. They say there will be no investments in the country where the government opposes law in economic sphere. Therefore, there will be no economic growth. Putin’s answer to this letter is yet unknown.
Public prosecutions department has been fighting with business structures for already three years. Arrest of “hostages”, noisy, but ineffective protest and new attacks have continued during this period, but the difference can still be observed: Russian law enforcement agencies have now chosen the largest companies as their target. In case everything develops in accordance with the old scenario, there will be no one who would write letters in Russia.