Relevant Issues Concerning Soft Drinks Trade

Tciuiri Khmiadashvili

The ongoing economic reform in Georgia implies new conditions of economic activities, it requires searching of corresponding specific approach to both separate enterprises in different branches and management at the level of the whole national economy, and the new economic approach helps us in it – marketing based on market relations and generally acknowledged theory and practice.

In Georgia, like in other post-communist countries, the formation of market economy takes place in a very difficult situation, which is inhibited by improper training of marketologists and businessmen, poor level of professionalism along with other subjective and objective reasons. A rather difficult situation has shaped in Georgian production sector and economy, which exists in conditions of imbalance of the consumer market, and acute deficit of food products. Ever growing contradiction and disproportion between supply and demand, as well as between range of goods and quality is a characteristic trait of our republic’s economy.
Over the past several years the production and assortment of soft drinks have considerably increased. Added to this are food supplements of soft drinks imported by numerous importing firms, which are inadmissible for using by domestic production and are not indicated in the receipt. Reasoning from this, the issue of carrying out various expert examinations of marketed soft drinks is on the agenda. Mainly it concerns safety, substitutes of wholesome components, design, use-by date, etc. Falsification is one of the most serious problems of the republic, which is most vividly manifested on the soft drinks market.
It is necessary that the controlling bodies should be highly responsible in protect quality of safety of food products, including soft drinks.