The Crisis of Kant’s theory and the Realities of Modern Economy in Georgia

Emzar Jgerenaia

“Time and space – these are the basis of any cognition and judgment. They become obligatory since it is impossible to make a single step till we recognize it in time and space”
Emanuel Kant, “The Fundamentals of Moral’s Metaphysics”, 1783
This Kant will drive a man crazy,
there is much he says about and
makes others think of.

What is the use of thinking everything over in time and space. Why do we have to recognize in time and space the judgment that 7 and 5 is 12. Maybe it was necessary then, but now everything is different, everything has changed, my Kant. Time and space has remained the same but what do you want, the result – zero.
No, no, Kant’s philosophy is evidently in crisis, there are new laws of metaphysics now.
What does it mean? Oh, you want me to explain to you on 2 pages what that genius expressed in a 1500 page book (thus, Kant is lucky that he does not live now, especially in Georgia, or he would have remained for the world. Who will read 3000 pages now, especially in Georgia). In short, substitute any economic doctrine, and even a law, and there is no necessity in any calculation, any consideration as to why, when, where or what is the subsequent result, why it is good or bad. We cannot really follow Kant’s ravings, it is necessary to be so and that is all. In conditions of ongoing globalization and permanent economic reforms, Kant’s theory is considered as an evident obstacle. Moreover, within several years’ period we have to catch up with Hong Kong , Singapore… but it is true that now we are far behind of even Vietnam, but we shall catch up. First we shall cancel the customs tax, it was the load that made our airplane heavier, then – VAT, then we shall eradicate this tenfold spending state institution and fly. No matter where and then. It was in Kant’s time when there was time and space, and that is why the progress dragged on so slowly. I recall one interesting incident: one megrelian deputy asked some state minister – when we shall catch up with Europe from the economic point of view. He became pensive, calculated and said, – if we go very fast and rebuild our economy’s management, and if there will be a fair international wind, then within a 50 years’ period. “What are you saying, man”, – the deputy cried out, – “and what if we run very fast?” “Then in 35 years’ period”, – the minister said. “What?!” – the deputy shrieked, – “shall not we be able to catch up in 3-4 years?!” “What?” and whispered in his year – “do they know about it on the top?” he said raised his eyes full of fright at the sun. “Of course, they do, my elect.”
But if, for instance, we lived in accordance with Kant’s philosophy, we would have to calculate where from we could get 150 million for the budget which the customs tax would have brought, then we would have calculated how we could render assistance to agriculture, food industry and other industries, and how much we would have lost if they had stopped, or how much we would have gained in terms of raw materials and installations by these 12% privileges, and would have treated all this taking into account time and space, our economy would be put in order.
Eh, it is Kant again, we are there again, it is not a proper time for calculations, especially in time and space, cancel it and that is all. Bananas will become cheaper, as well as trotters and spicery that are imported from Argentine. There is good spicery there, just for kharcho soup. We shall drink imported juices, etc., simply as it is.
Now in Georgia there is a time of new economic theories, down with Kant, his philosophy is in crisis. There is greatness in simplicity – cancel it and that is all. Maybe, Kant was a German and he was not taught in France. Oh, maybe. Now everything is possible, it depends an time and space.