By Prof. George Papava

According to does the duration of completed cycle of the matter fixes the period of time or vice versa, defined period of time fixes the matter with its size that comes in the above space of time, typisation process of the space of time has been firstly implemented. If the first is called “period”, the second could be the “periodant”.

“Periodant” is an antipode of a “period”, as has the opposite to it characters. The most important among them is that the period of time has no efficiency, which is the main characterising periodant.
In case if the period of time is foreseen for enterprise, commerce, business etc., they should reach the aimed purpose within the given duration. More and better the results are, larger the economic efficiency of this space of time is.
Therefore, such economic efficiency of period of time we call the economic “periodant”. Being in time, when doing business carries the role of organising impulsator.
In market economy, important is to utilise such method of economic analyse that will provide highly organised management of enterprise system, for the purpose of advancing the operational advantage through the competition in accordance with an internal mechanism of formation of economic periodant.